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Anjali Yoga Arts | ![]() |
NEW!!! We have uploaded Yoga videos on YouTube
Pranayama Yoga Series with Aya
Pranayama Yoga Series #1 with Aya – Kapala Bhati
Breathing Technique
Pranayama Yoga Series #2 with Aya – Bhastrika Breathing Technique
Pranayama Yoga Series #3 with Aya – Ujjayi & Brahmaree
Breathing Techniques
Pranayama Yoga Series #4 with Aya – Chandra/Surya Bhedana
& Nadi Shodana Breathing Techniques
Pranayama Yoga Series #5 with Aya – Khumbaka Breath Retention
& Bhanda Energy Locks
The School of Anjali Yoga is the current mandala
used by Aya to share his passion
for the Cosmic Play of Life.
ANJALI YOGA is the Yoga of
Aya embracing the Sri Yantra mural. Aumbase Yoga Studio, Sedona.
Padma-Lotus Anjali Mudra (with passion Flower)
Aya yoga-wheeling the Cosmic Matrix mural. Sedona Healing Yoga Studio.
Always looking for new ways to enrich the curriculum
of his global eco-school project,
the School of Celebratory Arts,
Aya realized, around 2010,
that YOGA (yes: Oneness!) was sweeping the world
in a welcome wave of regained personal well-being,
while pointing the way to a future of global peace and harmony.
Visit these pages:
Global Yoga Manifesto for Planet Earth
Yoga & Community
Download The Anjali Yoga Arts 3-fold Flyer
NEW!!! Anjali Yoga Arts Week-End PLAYSHOP:
Hand-outs for THE RIVER OF YOGA Playshop:
Class #1 Class #2 Class #3
Aya's Journey as a 500 RYT Yoga Teacher
In 2012, Aya developed a first program of Anjali Yoga (Anjali Yoga I) and spent the next few years training in classical yoga (Frog Lotus Yoga 200 TT / Bali - Akhanda Yoga / Rishikesh, India 300 TT), as well as exploring emerging forms of partner yoga (Acro-Vinyasa Yoga 200 TT / Bali)...
In 2017, after an extensive training in the Akhanda yoga ashram in Rishikesh, India, Aya is offering a new, more comprehensive curriculum for his yoga classes.
Currently offered in various Sedona yoga studios,
the Anjali Yoga classes by Aya will find their way
to the tropical climate Global Eco-school long envisioned.

The Global Reach of Yoga
Yoga indeed, in the last decade, has exploded as an international phenomenon bringing much needed relaxation practices to offset the increased stress of modern life styles, especially in the western countries. Moreover, Yoga, being in essence a comprehensive way of life, offers a lot more than just body-based toning practices: beyond the immediate benefits of relaxation, Yoga brings in breath work (the many Pranayama techniques to activate and regulate the circulation of life-force), an understanding of and access to the energetic body of vibrational medicine, and time-honored practices to prepare for meditation and higher states of expanded consciousness.
Yoga is fast becoming the global vehicle needed to convey to humanity, in a non-denominational way, the direct experience of the new global spirituality emerging out of the old religions. Yoga also brings deep awareness to the new conscious, healthy, healing life styles emerging out of the eco-organic approaches to diet & nutrition, mindfulness of emotions - thoughts - actions, and a benevolent, compassionate relationship to nature, each other, the universe and the Greater Self.
Yoga is becoming the stage and the way for our global awakening. Not just the stress-relief and disease-prevention gifts of body-based yoga – although this is dearly needed… BUT the yoga of the cessation of the mind and initiation of no-mind; the yoga of preparing for meditation - which is the true purpose of yoga...
• The yoga of the pulsing fields of light, the yoga of the luminous cosmos where we are Home - chanting, dancing, playing and celebrating life, nature, the universe, existence, ourselves and each other...
• The yoga of vibrating in the joy of being love itself; the yoga of enjoying sudden inner smiles and bursts of belly laughing; the yoga of bowing in namaste admiration at the unique beauty of each human being; the yoga of sheer delight at the marvels of mother earth’s landscapes, seascapes, rainforests, sunrises and sunsets and the fabulous family of plants and animals surrounding us...
• The yoga of wonder & awe at the infinite holographies of each gesture, word, feeling and moment we embrace totally; the yoga of entering deeper into asanas, mantras, mandalas and symbols - old and new; the yoga of tracking and savoring the kundalini currents of energy tingling, tickling and shivering in our pranic bodies; the yoga of stretching into the fields of dancing rainbow lights and into the golden relationship of having so many friends as our Beloved; the yoga of bowing in gratefulness and offering dancing thanks for being divinely conscious in these human bodies here now; the yoga of kirtan-chanting together, in call and response, the creative sounds of the universe and the harmonic frequencies sustaining life...
• The yoga of knowing that each drop is whole and complete in this ocean of Self; the yoga of remembering that we are beings of pure bliss visiting this human lila playground and entering the medicine wheel of Mother Earth; the yoga of sharing that bliss globally by co-creating a civilization of happiness for all of humanity, a new era of respect for all of nature and a common tuning of oneness with all beings in all realms…
Humanity is now on a global pilgrimage to the sacred site of this new civilization. No more sealed borders, square boxes called egos, hypocritical dogmas, massive brain-washing & body-junking: we know better now… A new economics of redistribution based on the-more-we-give-the-more-we-receive principle instead of the obsolete corporate, exploitative run-away hoarding… A new region/community-based politics with a global council of wise women and men overseeing the international affairs... An open sky free of chemtrail showers and weather engineering… An open earth with fields of abundant, organic crops pollinated by humming bees and farmlands of harmonic, smiling permaculture… Vibrant children running around, laughing, singing and playing the magic games of life...
A gigantic Earth Yoga Festival is awaiting us… Want to join?
Prepare yourself as the cosmic music instrument that you are.
Use whatever aspect of yoga is coming your way
Yoga is the Earth-Cosmos connection with the vast universe:
it encompasses all the ways
of transformation, evolution and expansion:
ancient, current and future...
The yoga festival starts with YOU as a cosmic yogi and yogini
joining a human family of beings connecting Earth and Sky,
holding hands with all others
and turning their life into radiant flowers
sharing the many fragrances of pure love for no reason...
Earth IS rehearsing for a global symphony
of crystalline HARMONY...
The entire universe is coming to the show.
Are you too?
Aya's Journey as a 500 RYT Yoga Teacher
Feeling highly inspired by the global and timely model of life education offered by Yoga, Aya soon embarked in a re-discovery of Yoga, Partner Yoga, AcroYoga and related practices. Aya re-organized his life to give priority to his renewed education about the bounties of Yoga and Yoga's potential as a set of world educational tools that would be the foundation of his global eco-school project.
• 2011. Acro-Yoga Festival, CA.
• 2012. 3-weeks / 200 Hrs Yoga Teacher's Training in Bali, Indonesia, with Vidya Heisel and Jennilee Toner (www.froglotusyoga.com).
• Spring 2014. Immersion Training in Elementary Acro-Yoga. Boulder, CO.
• Autumn 2014. Immersion Training in Acrobatics Acro-Yoga. Boulder, CO.
• December 2014. Publication of The Anjali Kirtan Book, V.1. (StarWheel Foundation Publishing).
• 2015. Aya became the Acro-Yoga.org Jam Coordinator for Sedona, AZ.
• 2015. Aya taught Vinyasa, Acro-Yoga, Yoga Swing and Mandala Mat Yoga (Sedona Yoga Shala).
• May 2015. Publication of The Gallery Book of Community, Partner Yoga and Acro-Yoga: From 1 to 2 to 3... to Community. A compendium of innovative ways to expand your personal yoga practice and move into a variety of fun partner & group experiences. (StarWheel Foundation Publishing).
• In April 2016, Aya graduated as a Level I AcroVinyasa Teacher, with Honza and Claudine Lafond (www.yogabeyond.com). AcroVinyasa is one of the new schools of Acro-Yoga, emphasizing the direct connection between classical "Earth-bound" asanas and the acro-yoga "Sky-bound" asanas.
• March 2016. "Intro to Partner & Acro Yoga" playshop. Sedona Yoga Festival.
• April 2016. 1-week "Bhakti Yoga" immersion, with Saul David Raye. Ojai, CA.
• September 2016. "Yoga & Sacred Geometry for Kids". Bhakti Festival, Joshua Tree, CA.
• November 2016. Aya took his 6-weeks / 300 Hrs Teacher's Training in Rishikesh, India, with Yogrishi Vishvketu (Vichva-ji) (www.akhandayoga.com). After graduation, Aya stayed at the Akhand Prakesh ashram, in Rishikesh, for two additional months in order to practice teaching to international groups of sometimes 40 - 50 people...
• 2017. Aya taught Anjali Vinyasa Yoga & Community Acro Yoga at various Sedona studios as well as a private practice.
• March 2017. "Partner & Acro Yoga" workshop" + "Yoga for Kids". Sedona Yoga Festival.
• September 2017. Aya was the Coordinator of KidsLand at the Bhakti Festival, Joshua Tree, CA.
Aya is now blissfully dancing the Body Divine
on the international Yoga circuit
and welcoming ways to share the blessings
of Yoga and the Sacred Arts
as a Celebration of Life...
Aya playing with pagoda-headed Ganesh