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Tree Sponsorship Program at the Peace Garden, Sedona | ![]() |
Tree Sponsorship Program at the Peace Garden
Being connected to a tree as a personal friend
is a traditional sacred alliance
that gifts human beings
with roots,
a stable trunk linking Earth and Sky,
and the joy of blossoming into flowers and fruits.
"He/She who plants a tree will live a long life".
New: The Benefits of Rosemary
(this a sample of the Description we are preparing for each of the trees and plants)
A Nature Sanctuary established in 2004
by Shirley Caris, the founder of the Sedona Creative Life Center, and by Adele Seronde, the founder of Gardens for Humanity, the Peace Garden is now offering to visitors and Friends of the Peace Garden the opportunity to become Sponsors of newly planted trees. As of August 2014, seven trees have already been sponsored.
Below is a list of the trees awaiting a gracious sponsor. Your name will be added to the tree tag should you choose to sponsor. Then you can start a spirit & life-force relationship with this special tree being, supporting each other, like you do with a dear friend.
You will better find within yourself your own roots, trunk and flowers.
Traditionally, a new tree would be planted for each child being born, sometimes placing the placenta in the hole beneath the roots. Thus the child would grow up with a personal tree "ally" and a lifetime companion offering its shade, flowers & fruits as an expression of unfolding and cycling within the web of life. Later, the grown up person would come to their tree to honor the bonding, celebrate the cycles of life and practice a refreshing communion with the earth and the elements. This is why cutting a tree down makes a hole in the matrix of life; and planting a tree adds richness and celebration to it.
We invite you to be part of the co-creation of life.
Trees to Sponsor
• Catalpa. Catalpa speciosa. $175.
A beautiful ornamental providing a welcome shade for humans and a habitat for birds.
• Kwanzan Cherry. Prunus serrulata. $75.
The Japanese Flowering tree ("Sakura") has the most magnificent blossoms.
• Southern Magnolia. Magnolia grandiflora. $110.
An ancient genus. Beautiful white flowers are showing in springtime.
• Snow Fountain Cherry. Prunus snofozam. $75.
A magnificent flowering tree, covered with fragrant flowers in early spring.
• Linden tree. Tilia cordata. $150. A traditional medicinal tree, very revered in Europe for its healing shade and soothing tea.
• Two Pecan trees. Carya Illinoinensis varieties. $150 each. We planted two large pecan trees, already producing.
• Two Walnut trees. Juglans regia varieties. $150 each. Two noble & useful trees that will reach to 50' tall. In the back forest.
• Asian pear tree. Pyrus pyrifolia 'shinko'. $75. Round fruits enjoyed for their crisp, slightly gritty, firm texture.
• Mulberry tree. Morus alba. $75. A female (fruit-bearing), fast growing tree producing abundant sweet berries.
• Four Plum trees. Prunus domestica. $75 each. We have several plum trees, along "Plum Alley".
• Jujube tree. Ziziphus jujuba. $75. A native of China producing datelike fruits that can be eaten fresh or dry.
• Three Atlas Blue Cedars. Cedrus libani atlantica. $100 each. From North Africa. The blue cedars will shade the cliff area.
• Eucalyptus tree. Eucalyptus microtheca 'coolibah'. $175. Blue-green, ribbonlike leaves to 8 in. long. Fast growing tree.
• Gingko tree. Gingko biloba. $175. The "Maidenhair tree" is a survivor from prehistoric times. Medicinal properties.
• Tulip tree. Liriodendron tulipifera 'Arnold'. $250. Also slated to shade the cliff promenade. Blooms 2-3 years after planting.
• Liquidambar tree. Liquidambar styraciflua. $250. This "American Sweetgum" has beautiful foliage and intense fall colors.
• Cedar of Lebanon. Cedrus lebani. $250. A kingly looking, large evergreen prized by the Phoenicians, Egyptians & Hebrews.
• Giant Sequoia. Sequoiadendron giganteum. $250. Among the world's largest trees. Our specimen is waiting for planting.
• Ponderosa pine. Pinus ponderosa. $125. The signature tree of Flagstaff. Our Ponderosa is doing well by the creek.
• Red maple tree. Acer rubrum. $150. A classical tree to show school kids where the maple syrup is coming from.
Visit the Peace Garden
to become a Peace Garden Tree Sponsor.
Contact Aya, the garden's caretaker, for a Tree Sponsorship appointment:
Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Road, Sedona,
Arizona 86336.