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Retreat Center in Costa Rica | ![]() |
We also envision a larger, global project:
the Earth School Endowment for World Orphans (EWO).
Contact us if you want to look up the PDF document
describing the Purna Vida project
The Children are our main Gift and Hope for this future. They deserve the best of our support and educational resources to help them learn and re-invent the new Sacred Arts, Sciences & Traditions of the Earth Community. They deserve to be fully encouraged in using the visionary creativity, perennial wisdom and pioneering spirit seeded in their eager awareness. They will be the Earth Keepers & Leaders in one short generation.
We named the coming Retreat Center: Purna Vida.
("Purna" is Sanskrit for "perfection" and "vida" Spanish for "life".)
Why Costa Rica?
Please go here for a tour of tropical Costa Rica
We are prospecting for the perfect property:
a mountain top with Pacific Ocean views
and rain forest acreage.
A retreat center & community.
A tree reforestation perma farm,
with abundant water and swimming holes.
We are looking at the area above Dominical / Uvita,
on the golden Pacific Coast.
The PURNA VIDA ECO-YOGA EARTH SCHOOL is a Yoga shala, ashram and school welcoming people who make personal & collective TRANSFORMATION the conscious priority of their life. While we fully participate in and enjoy the luscious tropical nature and ideal climate of Costa Rica's Pacific coast, PURNA VIDA is not another vacation destination offering "touristic" attractions.
At PURNA VIDA, we offer journeys of inner transformation, through short-term immersion programs and long-term residencies. Who you are, after a retreat at Purna Vida, may be very different (and vastly more expanded) than who you thought you were when coming in. The way you come to perceive yourself, your loved ones, others, all beings and existence herself might lead you to entire new chapters in your book of life.
At the Purna Vida Eco-Yoga Earth School, there is a common direction, a goal of cosmic evolution: re-awakening our personal human condition to its innate nature of Pure Blissful Light, through a joyful life-style of yoga, meditation and creative playfulness; and learning together how to apply the principles of peace, kindness, respect for all life and loving compassion to the birth of a new, spirited human civilization on our beautiful Mother Earth.
We realize that, to experience a full transformation, all aspects of life have to be touched and harmonized together:
outer & inner, personal & social, intimate & public, local & global, family & community, esthetic & functional, spiritual & material... Hence the benefits of residential programs offering exposure to various "faces" of you. These various practices cross-pollinate each other to reveal a unified, complete You...
• Grounding in the physical body: yoga postures, breath practices, Zen walking & feet grounding, partner-acro & group yogas, aerial yogas, slack-line balancing, fitness & gymnastics, juggling, hoops & hooping, acrobatics, circus arts, choreography & sacred dance, swimming, mudras and body languages, yogic hygiene & cleanliness, bathing...
• Education in nature's wisdom: organic gardening & farming, eco-green awareness, permaculture, seeds collecting, rain-forest safaris, tropical fauna & flora, nature conservation programs, tree planting & wisdom, eco-adventuring, global sustainability, Quantum physics, star wisdom, biological sciences, Vedic maths, sacred geometry
• An organic, nurturing diet of gourmet vegetarian dishes, smoothies & drinks, lovingly prepared by the resident chef & kitchen staff... with an emphasis on locally grown, living foods & fruits from the nearby gardens...
• Awakening and healing of the energy, vibrational body: prana-body & kundalini yogas, techniques of energy circulation, Shakti, feeling & directing the energy currents, chakras & nadis activation, Chi & prana Earth-Sky connection, sacred bio-chemistry, sound currents yoga, endorphins & amrita, healing arts, massage arts, touch & tactile skills, aromatherapies, Ayurvedic & oriental medicines, herbology & plant medicines, color therapies, eyes & inner vision yogas, auric and hand-on healing, cymatic therapies, Reiki...
• Activation & integration of the social self: Partner & mandala yogas, group games & playfulness, co-operation and team spirit skills, peace & conflict resolution skills, community building skills, ego-less leadership skills, relationship skills, ceremonial & blessings arts, rites of passage, Kirtan chanting, creating community events & festivals, poetic arts, labyrinth making & walking, medicine / wheel of life journeys, love & service practices, karma yoga, smiling & laughing...
• Support of the creative self: arts & sacred arts, imagination skills, wisdom story telling, mandala & yantra making, theatrical & performing skills, miming & clowning, musical arts & instrument playing/making, pottery & clay arts, Origami & papercrafts, collages, journaling, poetry, weaving & knotting arts, drawing & painting arts, calligraphies, singing chants & overtones, body painting & costuming, awakening the sacred-artist-within, digital media creativity...
• Creating a Spiritual Practice: 8 Limbs of yoga, Yamas & Niyamas, types of yoga, self-discipline, personal routine in time & space, sacred space, creating an altar, vision board, withdrawing from the 5 senses, self-study, karma-sadhana-destiny, personal direct experience, mentor-teacher-guru, psychic powers, higher dimensions, enlightenment...
• Quieting the Mind: techniques of beginning meditation, witnessing, Vipassana meditation, brain relaxation, neuro-plasticity, inner listening, channeling intuition, silence therapy & fasts (words & thoughts), isolation periods, inner & outer quiet, nature baths, ego fasts, I-less language, quieting the mind in the market place...
• Higher Meditation: higher yoga limbs, sustained concentration, sustained meditation, state of flow, no-mind baths, disappearance of object-subject, oneness immersion, fielding, trance & ecstatic dance, surrendering to the Divine...
PURNA VIDA – A Global Eco-Yoga Earth School & Village
Mission Statement
Co-Creating the Great Awakening
with the World’s Children
Time has come, in the cycling of ages, for the establishment of a peaceful, unified and enlightened world civilization on planet Earth. And the Children are our leaders… We all know it, feel it in the deepest gut layers of our nature and spirit, and many humans are embracing this longing as a new way of life and an overall purpose of their actions. The new birth of humanity is organically and naturally growing on human consciousness, like flowers on a tree. No matter their degree of evolution or their vibratory rate, the call of higher evolution is felt by each and every human.
It is a galactic wave
Humanity is waking up to a new realization of consciousness evolution, a much larger understanding of Who we are and Why we are here. The gist of this expanded dance is:
We are not alone,
separated from the other billions of human beings.
Humanity is not alone,
separated from the rest of the universal intelligence.
We are harmonically inter-connected with each other
and the entire universe
through myriads of rainbow webs
& golden threads of supra-quantum light.
We are, in true reality, pulsing with the cosmic breath
and awakening to be an infinitely blissful Source-Being
We are essentially
a Song of Passionate Love
a Dance of Joyful Harmony
and a Celebration of Ecstatic Presence
This time of NOW is extremely special. It has been prophesized by sacred cultures and will be remembered as the GREAT AWAKENING of Humanity. It is a time when we indeed have a unique opportunity: break away from millennia of past history limitations and finally stand free as universal beings, eager to launch together a constructive course of human evolution and ready to embody a new frequency of life, consciousness and reality.
This is the purpose and mission of Purna Vida:
to be a Garden of Harmonic Life
for the new generation
The NEW PARADIGM is now explored at the frontier of contemporary science, as well as glimpsed and applied by an exponentially growing number of people. We have already learned that the earth is a living organism: Mother Earth or “Gaia”. We are now practicing holding hands & hearts with each other, as humanity, and learning to relate to the larger context of the Sun System and Mother Galaxy. And we are well on our way to re-embrace the universal Source-Being, “Cosmos”, as our own Self.
People are waking up all over the world and WE ARE these people. Even those who deny the awakening are engulfed in this tsunami of GLOBAL KUNDALINI: it is larger than any concept we may ever have in a human brain.
A new basic awareness is corroborating the traditional wisdom: everything is vibrating, everything is related, and everything is love. We realize that we are vibratory beings in a vibrating universe, and pulsing waves in a cosmic ocean. We realize the inter-dependence and oneness of the Sacred Circle and all our relations. The perennial wisdom says that we are all connected by an invisible golden thread: this one thread may greatly stretch and get entangled but it never breaks… We feel in our heart the overall love and benevolence underlying the universe and radiated by its Source, the Divine & Great Spirit. We start to understand that it is all working (and playing) through an exquisitely fine-tuned grand scheme of self-similar fractal holography, as we can put it best in contemporary terms.
On the cutting edge of knowledge, the universe is now explained as a holographically linked, multi-dimensional, conscious organism (“COSMOS”) that is infused, beyond the constraints of matter/space/time, by a primordial field of supra-intelligent energy/information. This Cosmic Field is defined by scientists as vortex-based, coherently whole, all-inclusive, scale-invariant, self-similar or self-referential, and non-local. Non-locality itself is moving spiritual experiences, like telepathy, from the quantum scale to daily life. Yes, the universe is no longer (and has never been) a chaotic, mechanical, gigantic and frightening tinker toy: it is again a magical garden, a dance of celebration and a magnificent choir.
The Children are the holders of this cosmic magic
and the gardeners of the new earth gardens…
We the elders only need to support their flowering
into future cosmic star blossoms on Earth,
and co-create Gardens of Harmonic Life
for the Children to become Seeds of Being
Purna Vida is such a Global Garden
The universe turns out to look, sound and feel like ancient traditions were portraying it: an exquisite holographic ORCHESTRAL DANCE where every note modulates every other note through infinite overtones, and every event & being modulates every other event & being. Each star is a flower. The fluttering wings of a butterfly affect the global weather and a fleeting human thought can change the world… Here, spirit consciousness is invited to CELEBRATE itself!
This is made possible by a primordial universal grid system of HARMONIC ONENESS and cosmic resonance set up by multi-dimensional cascades of FRACTAL RELATIONSHIPS created by the Golden Ratio PHI and its manifestation the Fibonacci Series, from atom to DNA to galaxy. This is what Sacred Geometry is meditating upon: the pure principles behind the sustainability of the universe, the TRI-UNITY love-dance of the Small, the Large and the Whole. Of course it has been here all along: we are just only awakening, opening our eyes and our Heart, and celebrating together.
In Pure Harmony
there are no others
The Infinite Source
is at play in each cosmic dancer
Purna Vida
Perfection Be
Purna Vida Life Style Agreements
At the Purna Vida Eco-Yoga Village, we share
a healthy and fit life style, free from:
• Tobacco products: cigarette smoking, tobacco vapping / sniffing / chewing...
• Alcoholic drinks, including wine, or liquors...
• Cannabis use: marijuana / weed smoking and all cannabis products...
• Psychedelic & "recreational" drugs, natural or chemical...
The yogic practices & life style naturally turn on the "feel good" hormones and the bliss currents of inner energy.
• Heavy addictive drugs: opioids under any form...
• Any medical drugs, pills or injections, including anti-depressants, uppers, tranquilizers...
• Toxic foods: sugar, coffee, white breads & pastries, fried foods, canned foods... Instead, Purna Vida offers exciting,
gourmet, organic & fresh foods, meals and drinks lovingly prepared by pro chefs and preferably obtained from our or
local organic gardens.
• Animal meat. We envision to have a goat farm for milk & dairy products, as well as a chicken coop for eggs. But we do not plan to eat our goats or chicks. The yogic principle of Ahimsa (non-violence) applies to animals as well as humans.
• Toxic drinks: "soft" drinks and beverages, including commercial "energy drinks"...
• Violent, destructive, dishonest, dramatic or abusive behaviors...
• TVs, boom-boxes and invasive electronics. The use of smart phones is restricted to the designated Wi-Fi spot on the property. The absence of jarring noise is highly valued at Purna Vida, as it allows for the listening and enjoyment of one's inner and nature's orchestra...
• Un-meaningful talking. As part of learning how to unwind from the talking-monkey-mind, we have a daily period of silent stillness from 9:00 pm to 9:00 am and a mindful awareness to use talking wisely and meaningfully... Some residents or participants may chose to keep a "Talking Fast" for a day or more and will wear a tag indicating so: please respect their practice...
Purna Vida is not:
1. A medical facility
2. A rehabilition center for heavy addicts
3. A treatment center for mentally or psychologically impaired patients.
Purna Vida IS a transformational place (an ashram) for people ready to let go of their false sense of ego-self and committed to live their life as the full presence of their larger, spiritual Self. This commitment entails participating and learning from the various practices and creative activities offered at Purna Vida and engaging into harmonious relationships with themselves, others and the larger community...
A Future Global School for Young Humans
Even though, in the initial stage, Purna Vida will offer short term programs designed for adults and young adults, Purna Vida is dedicated, in the future, to develop the facilities needed for long term residency of children, kids and teenagers from around the world and offer them a safe, happy, supportive and enriching home-base.
Participation to Activities
Unless there is injury, sickness or deep recovery/healing, every resident and visitor is asked to join one yoga class a day (morning or evening) and to attend to one hour of meditation a day (either in the Yoga Shala 5 - 6:30 am, or at some sacred spot around the property or in their own personal sanctuary). In addition, residents participate to the Seva (community service) activities needed to keep Purna Vida a happy, smiling and well functioning place. Each resident, according to their skills and choices, will be responsible for an area of the facility's management.
Participants to 1-Week or 2-Weeks programs are expected to attend all activities, unless previously arranged.
Schedule of Activities & Life Flow
Regular Schedule for Residents
5 - 6:30 |
Silent Meditation (optional) |
Yoga Shala 1 / Outdoors |
7 - 8:30 |
Morning Yoga Class |
Yoga Shala 1 |
9:00 |
Breakfast |
Main House Restaurant |
10 - 12:30 |
Purna Vida Seva Activities |
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1:00 |
Lunch |
Main House Restaurant |
2 - 5:00 |
Personal Time |
- |
5 - 6:30 |
Evening Yoga Class |
Yoga Shala 1 |
7:00 |
Dinner |
Main House Restaurant |
8 - 9:00 |
Village Community Satsang (occasional) |
Main House Shala |
9:00 - 9:00 am |
Namaste Stillness & Reverence |
- |
All residents are asked to join one yoga class per day, participate to the Seva Activities according to their skills and agreed assignments, and attend the occasional Village Satsang.
Residency at PurnaVi is a commitment to personal and community transformation, in the spirit of bringing mindful awareness to here-now, to all relationships and to all feelings, thoughts and activities.
PurnaVi offers the gift to co-create and optimize a life-style of harmonic oneness with oneself, others, nature, all of humanity and the entire cosmos. We are all here to learn and share.
Schedule for the 1-Week Program
5 - 6:30 |
Silent meditation (optional) |
Yoga Shala 1 / Outdoors |
7 - 8:30 |
Morning Yoga Class |
Yoga Shala 1 |
9:00 |
Breakfast |
Main House Restaurant |
10 - 11:15 |
Program Activity #1 |
Padma Dome |
11:30 - 12:45 |
Program Activity #2 |
Padma Dome |
1:00 |
Lunch |
Main House Restaurant |
2 - 3:15 |
Program Activity #3 |
Padma Dome |
3:30 - 4:45 |
Program Activity #4 |
Padma Dome |
5 - 6:30 |
Evening Yoga Class |
Yoga Shala 1 |
7:00 |
Dinner |
Main House Restaurant |
8 - 9:00 |
Group Meeting Satsang |
Padma Dome |
9:00 - 9:00 am |
Namaste Stillness & Reverence |
- |
On designated days (for the One-Week Program):
• One full day of rain forest eco-adventures: sampling of the stunning bio-diversity of the Central Pacific Coast. We have a unique-in-the-word choice of National Parks, Wildlife Refuges and "Reservas Biologicas"...
• One half-day of outdoor visits, hiking to cascades, sky-lining, shopping, dining...
A capucin monkey in savasana. Curu reserve.
Come visit:
Global Yoga Manifesto for Planet Earth
The Golden Relationship - A Cosmic Manifesto
If you feel so inspired and want to be involved in the PURNA VIDA project,
kindly help us here: