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KickStarter Project | ![]() |
Kickstarter - StarWheel Deck
Funding is for the StarWheel Deck, a collection of 108 cards featuring the "StarWheel" paintings created by French-born visionary artist Aya. Received in 1985 through a spirit vision in Santa Monica, CA, these "neo-mandalas" are large-size, hand-airbrushed acrylic-on-canvas paintings. From 1985 to 2012, 108 StarWheels have been birthed.
Funding level. $20,000. This includes publishing a first run of 1,000 decks, plus launching a dedicated website, and funding for promotion & marketing, as well as distribution.
Features of the Deck. The StarWheel image is in front of the card (with SW#, Name and Keyword). The back of each card features the StarWheel Sutra, a mystical-poetic description of each StarWheel image, and the Picto-Koan, an array of 9 hieroglyphic icons paired with each StarWheel. The printing is RGB quality to ensure the precision of the details and the proper rendition of the vivid colors. The size is 5" x 5". The StarWheel deck includes an introductory booklet.
Purpose of the StarWheels. The StarWheels are transformational templates unifying higher-dimensional inspiration, sacred geometries, vivid colors and archetypal or symbolic shapes. They are designed to provide people with an experience of Self-Integration and Sacred Guidance in their daily & spiritual life. As multiple-layers energy matrices, the StarWheels can be used as life-force boosters, meditation guides, centering yantras, healing refuges, Feng Shui & Geomancy blueprints, inner orientation maps or harmonic tuners... The format of a deck of stand-alone cards is the most efficient way to successfully reach the many people who are increasingly looking for sacred tools of consciousness: they can shuffle the deck and pick intuitively a StarWheel card appropriate for their moment.
Intention of the artist. The original vision stated that a full generation would pass before the StarWheels come to recognition. Now is the time. Aya is passionate in his commitment to help the StarWheel images to enter the collective consciousness of humanity. We live in global times and the StarWheels are global messengers. The format of a deck of stand-alone cards is the most efficient way to successfully reach the many people who are increasingly looking for sacred tools of consciousness.
History of the StarWheels. • On Christmas day 1985, Aya received a spiritual vision whereby he saw in a flash the entire series of StarWheel templates. The vision was an inner empowerment to manifest, one at a time, each of the visionary templates. Then the 3-D work started: using graph paper, stencils and airbrush equipment, Aya meticulously painted each image on 6 ft x 6 ft canvases. Each image took an average of 2 months to be completed. In various locations, from California to Colorado to eventually Sedona, AZ, Aya devoted all his energy to this sacred endeavor.
• In 1998, Aya was the first recipient of a grant by the Sedona-based New Earth Foundation. This grant was used to photograph on 5" x 5" transparencies the existing collection of StarWheel paintings and launch a website. The transparencies were scanned and enhanced to create digital files ready for publishing. In the next few years, three series (12 StarWheel Wisdom cards each) were published and distributed through various New Age book and gift stores. As more StarWheel series were born, Aya continued to turn them into digital files for the galleries of his websites: www.starwheels.com, www.starwheelmandalas.com and his non-profit educational organization www.starwheelfoundation.org
• Between 2010 and 2012, the 108 StarWheels were printed in Japan as 3 luxury boxes formatted to the Golden Ratio, the standard of cosmic harmony. The cards started to receive sales and exposure in Japan when Fukushima happened and portions of the Japanese economy collapsed forcing the publisher of the StarWheel Decks to go bankrupt. These decks are now rare special editions. Aya would like to solidify the 108 StarWheel images into one single deck, the purpose of this Quickstarter funding.
• Between 2012 and 2018, Aya focused on researching, documenting and making available to students the Sacred Geometry he learned from the intuitive creation of the StarWheel Collection. This resulted in the Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry in 18 volumes that is available through www.schoolofsacredgeometry.org.
Market Opportunities. With the onset of global internet communications and new 2D & 3D digital publishing technology, now is the perfect time for the StarWheel Collection to reach the entire world. The mandala format is universal and revered in many cultures around the world, from Medicine Wheels to Labyrinths to Indian & Tibetan mandalas. The peoples of Asia are especially sensitive to the significance of mandalas, due to their traditional cultures. The publication of the StarWheel Deck is seen by Aya as a timely contribution to the emerging global village community of kin seekers and pilgrims who understand the oneness of consciousness and co-create tools & toys for celebrating Life on Earth.