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The StarWheel Interactive Museum (S.W.I.M) | ![]() |
Previewed in 1985 during Aya's seminal vision of the StarWheel neo-mandalas, the StarWheel Interactive Museum (S.W.I.M) is an innovative educational facility as well as a timely contribution to the co-creation of a new global culture of Sacred Arts and Celebration of Life on this beautiful planet, our Earth Community.
The S.W.I.M project is supported by The StarWheel Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization based in Arizona and established in 1991 by Aya, a French-born visionary artist. The StarWheel Collection comprises 108 neo-mandalas.
In ancient Greece, a Museum, far from being a repository of ancient & lifeless artifacts, was a very active place, a hub of creativity, where the muses (the goddesses of literature, science, and the arts and personifications of the higher intuitive intelligence) would inspire open-minded & open-hearted people with new ideas in all fields of culture and community life. A museum, at the center of a city, was seen as auspicious to promote civic harmony and learning.
Similarly, we envision the S.W.I.M as a public access hub for cultural and spiritual creatives: visionary artists, cutting-edge scientists, green architects, community leaders, environmentalists, peace activists, spiritual seekers, yogis & yoginis, inventors, global educators & thinkers, ceremonialists, poets & story tellers, wisdom & tradition holders... people who are intentionally sharing and pioneering the vision (and the action) of a positive and holistic global future for humanity and the very next generations...
Contact us if you want to look up the PDF document
describing the StarWheel Interactive Museum project
The StarWheel Interactive Museum
will be an integrated combination of:
• Display Gallery - for the original StarWheel Collection of 108 paintings, as well as other visionary art of global and sacred significance. A Projection Chamber will make images available on demand.
• Exploratorium - for innovative art/science inspirations and solutions from around the world in co-creating a positive, spirited, global future.
• Multi-Media Immersion Environments - using holographic & virtual technologies.
• Hands-on 2D and 3D Graphic Stations - for do-it-yourself mandalas, yantras and creating contemporary versions of traditional sacred arts.
• Conference Center - a space for experiential games and pluri-disciplinary play-shops & events.
• Yoga Shala Fitness Sudio - offering classes in a variety of yogic arts.
• Sacred Geometry Center - an extensive library of data will be made available to researchers & students, as well as a mini-gallery to display the magnificent Sacred Geometry of Nature.
• KidsLand Oasis - offering toddlers / kids services and playful tutorials.
• Green Cafeteria - for nurturing the body and weaving-in the community life.
• StarWheel Boutique - offering the StarWheel & StarWaves images: books, Wisdom cards, giclee prints, decks, holographic posters... A whole line of StarWheel Yoga Gear (S.W.Y.G): leggings, tops, scarves, yoga mats... And StarWheel-imprinted items: carpets, beach towels, wall hangings, a wall paper series, embossed energy charging plates, holographic posters, 3D hand-held spheres...
In line with the StarWheel Vision and cutting edge science, the S.W.I.M is envisioned as a worldwide center for research, education and applications re: the color-sound-geometry fractal-resonant and harmonic nature of the universe. Sacred Geometry, both in its traditional and scientific forms, will be an active area of exploration in terms of both a foundation for cosmic/galactic science and the much needed applications in re-creating art, music, shapes, architectures, environments, healing & learning systems, mind-sets, narratives, lifestyles and community structures conducive to the expansion of human consciousness into the realms of quantum intelligence and enlightened compassionate wisdom.
• We are seeing a state-of-the-art facility, with the futuristic architecture of a circular/spiral shape, in a well-known and cosmopolitan location that is already attracting & supporting innovative arts & cultural activities.
• Aya and the StarWheel Foundation are looking forward to meet visionary / innovative investors, creative architects & business managers, spirited artists & scientists... and all beings walking & dancing the Beauty of Life.
The StarWheel Mandalas Gallery
3-D StarWheels
The StarWheel Sutras
The StarWheel Picto-Koans
The StarSpheres
The StarWaves
Arts & Sacred Arts in the 21st century
Creative In-spiration
School of Sacred Geometry
Mission Statement
Cosmic context
In this evolutionary shift to the GREAT AWAKENING of the human species upon planet Mother Earth, it is auspicious to re-plant, in the global consciousness garden, the original cosmic seed:
the Mandala blue-golden print
the omni-dimensional Vortex model
The GREAT AWAKENING is the unfolding of humanity as a flower,
organically nurtured by mother Earth and father Sky
(the cosmic Shiva-Shakti, Yin-Yang),
and ready to produce the new fruits
of a global civilization honoring Life-as-Love,
and usher the new crop of seeds:
new generations born in unity consciousness.
The GREAT AWAKENING is the culmination of a long story of glimpses into the cosmic reality of Life-Love by many known, and mostly unknown, mystical seers and illuminated yogic souls. These seers and prophets were the original wombs, hearts and fountain-heads of the spiritual revelations of this world. Their non-verbal, live sharing was soon dis-associated from the living presence and written into "sacred scriptures", beliefs and rules by savvy intermediaries calling themselves the priesthoods. Religions, the world over, became elitist, fanatical and hierarchical organizations based on the domination and control of the few upon the many - working hand-in-hand with the imperial structures owning & exploiting for their own benefit the economies, the politics and the cultures of the earth. The original flower blossoms got plastified and the cosmic fragrance of direct ecstasy hidden, forgotten or denied...
Most of these precursor, pioneering mystics though went unknown: they lived out their humble and simple life in the service of the Cosmic Whole, briefly appearing on the acceptable (& un-acceptable: read "persecuted") margins of the main religions or just unbeknownst to their fellow humans. Nonetheless, they radiated, in the inner dimensions of spirit, a continuous auric stream of light and marked a pathway, for those with eyes to see, planted with white, shiny seed-pebbles.
The small evolutionary stream of expanded human consciousness percolating through the ages has now become a larger river, still somewhat underground but mighty and inexorable. Humanity is waking up to a new realization of the infinite potential of consciousness, a much larger understanding of Who we are, Why we are here and How to co-exist as one earth community. No longer the mere human potential but indeed the cosmic potential of humans. The gist of this expanded dance is:
We are not alone,
separated from the other billions of human beings.
Humanity is not alone,
separated from the rest of the universal intelligence.
We are harmonically inter-connected
with each other and the entire universe
through myriads of rainbow webs
& golden threads of supra-quantum light.
We are, in true reality, pulsing with the cosmic breath
and awakening to be,
individually and collectively
an infinitely blissful Source-Being.
"Feet on Earth" group mandala. Green School. Bali.
We are essentially
a Song of Passionate Love
a Dance of Joyful Harmony
and a Celebration of Ecstatic Presence
The time of HERE-NOW hosting this global consciousness shift has been prepared and prophesized by all genuinely sacred cultures and will be remembered by future generations as the GREAT AWAKENING of Humanity. It is a cosmic moment when we indeed have a unique opportunity: to break away from millennia of past imperial stories of domination, violence and fear and finally stand free as universal beings, eager to launch together a constructive, cooperative and community-based course of human evolution and ready to embody new frequencies of life, love, consciousness and reality.
These new, soul-based, frequencies of being are unimaginable for the old human brain because we are entering a direct connect between cosmic and human brain, cosmic and human conscious, co-creative intelligence. This is the sacred wedding in the temple of Life: the one universal womb-heart-brain...
The New Paradigm
The NEW PARADIGM is now explored at the frontier of contemporary science, as well as glimpsed and applied by an exponentially growing number of people. We have already learned that the earth is a living organism: Mother Earth or “Gaia”. We are now practicing holding hands & hearts with each other, as humanity, and learning to relate to the larger context of the Sun System and Mother Galaxy. And we are well on our way to re-embrace the universal Source-Being, “Cosmos”, as our own Self.
It is a cosmic wave
People are waking up all over the world and WE ARE these people. Even those who deny the awakening are engulfed in this tsunami of GLOBAL KUNDALINI: it is vastly larger than any concept we may ever have in a human brain.
A new basic awareness is corroborating the traditional wisdom: everything is vibrating, everything is related, and everything is love. We realize that we are vibratory beings in a vibrating universe, and pulsing waves in a cosmic ocean. We realize the inter-dependence and oneness of the Sacred Circle and all our relations. The perennial wisdom says that we are all connected by an invisible golden thread: this one thread may greatly stretch and get entangled but it never breaks… We feel in our heart the overall love and benevolence underlying the universe and radiated by its Source, the Divine & Great Spirit. We start to understand that it is all working (and playing) through an exquisitely fine-tuned grand scheme of self-similar fractal holography, as we can put it best in contemporary terms.
On the cutting edge of scientific knowledge, the universe is now explained as a holographically linked, multi-dimensional, conscious organism (“COSMOS”) that is infused, beyond the constraints of matter/space/time, by a primordial field of supra-intelligent energy/information. This Cosmic Field is defined by scientists as vortex-based, coherently whole, all-inclusive, scale-invariant, self-similar or self-referential, and non-local. Non-locality itself is moving spiritual experiences, like telepathy, from the quantum scale to daily life. Yes, the universe is no longer (and has never been) a chaotic, mechanical, gigantic and frightening tinker toy: it is again a magical garden, a dance of celebration and a magnificent choir.
The universe turns out to look, sound and feel like ancient traditions were portraying it: an exquisite holographic ORCHESTRAL DANCE where every note modulates every other note through infinite overtones, and every event & being modulates every other event & being. Each star is a flower and each human a star. The fluttering wings of a butterfly affect the global weather and a fleeting human intention can change the world… Here, spirit consciousness is invited to CELEBRATE itself
This is made possible by a primordial universal grid system of HARMONIC ONENESS and cosmic resonance set up by multi-dimensional cascades of FRACTAL RELATIONSHIPS created by the Golden Ratio PHI and its manifestation the Fibonacci Series, from atom to DNA to galaxy. This is what Sacred Geometry is meditating upon: the pure principles behind the sustainability of the universe, the TRI-UNITY love-dance of the Small, the Large and the Whole. Of course it has been here all along: we are just only awakening, opening our eyes and our Heart, and celebrating together.
In Pure Harmony
there are no others
The Infinite Source
is at play in each cosmic dancer
The New Education
Time has come, in the cycling of ages, for the establishment of a peaceful, unified and enlightened world civilization on planet Earth. And the Children are our leaders…
The Children are the holders of this cosmic magic
and the gardeners of the new earth gardens…
We the elders only need to support their flowering
into future cosmic star blossoms on Earth,
and co-create Gardens of Harmonic Life
for the Children to become Seeds of Being
Sedona Yoga Festival - 2016
The Mandala Model
A Mandala (Sanskrit: "that which contains and leads to the Center"), is a living system revealing the Source of All. In the broadest sense, a mandala is all that is. Every "thing" and every "being" stems from and returns to its source. In evolutionary time, any aspect of existence is created, maintained and resolved back into Source.
Yet the pattern of these evolutionary cycles of orbiting Source exist before their manifestations, prior to the current universe. This is what mandalas expose and offer: the cosmic dance between center and periphery. Mandalas are just short-cuts to the Center, more accessible to contemporary human beings than micro-psychically entering a cell. They are pure blue prints, cutting through evolutionary flesh-outs and time-space constraints. They are golden prints.
Mandalas are revealing the intrinsic radius-beam of full and instant consciousness permanently sweeping through the spheres of consciousness. The Center then is the Periphery: any apparent fragment of existence is the totality. The Center is immanently present in all and bonded to all - but in somehow hidden ways for limited consciousness. The Center likes to play and to be found out as the omni-present Treasure, the Grail within and without: this is the assignment of the spiritual growth, the journey from Source through all manifestations of consciousness and back to Source. The entire quest Iis found to be the Treasure as we are dancing within ourselves as ourselves.
In the perspective of the Mandala wisdom, there is no moving whatsoever: we are home at all times and in all places, contained within our infinity. We are just breathing a cosmic scale expansion-contraction, the primordial inhale-exhale of a seed-point while encompassing center and periphery as Oneness. Applying this unitiuve immersion to every aspect of life is Mandala Wisdom.
The mandala designs and architectures existing in all traditions are reflections of the Cosmic Mandala. They are ancient legacies, proven by perennial use, of ways to dance in beauty the periphery as one's own center.
The StarWheel neo-mandalas are self-reflecting cosmic yoga templates reviving the ancient the Cosmic Mandala model: they invite us to see and become the Source-Presence that is sourcing us. In turn, we can then co-create the gardens of economic, political, cultural and spiritual happiness of the Earth Community.
StarWheel neo-mandala #109- "Li La Nai".