Global Yoga Manifesto


Global Yoga Manifesto for Planet Earth

Yoga is becoming the stage and the way for our global awakening. Not just the stress-relief and disease-prevention gifts of body-based yoga – although this is dearly needed… BUT the yoga of the cessation of the mind and initiation of no-mind; the yoga of preparing for meditation - which is the true purpose of yoga...

The yoga of the pulsing fields of light, the yoga of the luminous cosmos where we are Home - chanting, dancing, playing and celebrating life, nature, the universe, existence, ourselves and each other...

The yoga of vibrating in the joy of being love itself; the yoga of enjoying sudden inner smiles and bursts of belly laughing; the yoga of bowing in namaste admiration at the unique beauty of each human being; the yoga of sheer delight at the marvels of mother earth’s landscapes, seascapes, rainforests, sunrises and sunsets and the fabulous family of plants and animals surrounding us...

The yoga of wonder & awe at the infinite holographies of each gesture, word, feeling and moment we embrace totally; the yoga of entering deeper into asanas, mantras, mandalas and symbols - old and new; the yoga of tracking and savoring the kundalini currents of energy tingling, tickling and shivering in our pranic bodies; the yoga of stretching into the fields of dancing rainbow lights and into the golden relationship of having so many friends as our Beloved; the yoga of bowing in gratefulness and offering dancing thanks for being divinely conscious in these human bodies here now; the yoga of kirtan-chanting together, in call and response, the creative sounds of the universe and the harmonic frequencies sustaining life...

The yoga of knowing that each drop is whole and complete in this ocean of Self; the yoga of remembering that we are beings of pure bliss visiting this human lila playground and entering the medicine wheel of Mother Earth; the yoga of sharing that bliss globally by co-creating a civilization of happiness for all of humanity, a new era of respect for all of nature and a common tuning of oneness with all beings in all realms…

Humanity is now on a global pilgrimage to the sacred site of this new civilization. No more sealed borders, square boxes called egos, hypocritical dogmas, massive brain-washing & body-junking: we know better now… A new economics of redistribution based on the-more-we-give-the-more-we-receive principle instead of the obsolete corporate, exploitative run-away hoarding… A new region/community-based politics with a global council of wise women and men overseeing the international affairs... An open sky free of chemtrail showers and weather engineering… An open earth with fields of abundant, organic crops pollinated by humming bees and farmlands of harmonic, smiling permaculture… Vibrant children running around, laughing, singing and playing the magic games of life...

A gigantic Earth yoga festival is awaiting us… Want to join? Prepare yourself as the cosmic music instrument that you are. Use whatever aspect of yoga is coming your way and JOIN the CELEBRATION… Yoga is the Earth-Cosmos connection with the vast universe: it encompasses all the ways of transformation, evolution and expansion - ancient, current and future... The yoga festival starts with YOU as a cosmic yogi and yogini joining a human family of beings connecting Earth and Sky, holding hands with all others and turning their life into radiant flowers sharing the many fragrances of pure love for no reason... Earth IS rehearsing for a global symphony of crystalline HARMONY... The entire universe is coming to the show. Are you too?